Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The waiting is the hardest part

(Thanks Denise for the inspiration to find a song to fit my mood!)

I rescheduled my diabetes testing this morning to take Bubba Joe to his ped. He has another cold and woohoo!!! it is just a cold! So far, it's not in his lungs or his ears!!! Maybe his immune system really is getting stronger?!?

But I kept my 11:30 appointment for a high-level ultrasound. It is at this ultrasound that they will start looking at how the placenta is attached and for early warning signs that preeclampsia might rear its ugly head.

We waited.

And waited.

Not too long though ...

around 12:00, we hear another woman complain to the receptionist that she had a 8:30 appointment! (Dude - that means she was sitting for almost 4 hours!!!)

We decided that we'd wait until 12:30 to see what was going on.

We left.

They're supposed to call to reschedule but haven't. Not yet.

We'll call tomorrow.

But the waiting, really is the hardest part. (Thanks Tom Petty for making it all so clear.)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Man! Good thing you weren't there for a severed limb or something -- that's insane!

My doc's office was notoriously late. Always. The receptionist almost made me miss my GTT blood draw, but I made it by a nanosecond. Better luck next time?


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