Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nothing special, just here


The sun has decided to shine down on us.

Since returning from Ohio nearly 4 weeks ago, we've had half of 1 week, that's like 3 days total, where the temperature was hot. Hot as in 85+ degrees.

Most of the time, that is all the other 25 days, it's been cold. And rainy.

Just this past week, we hit a grand high of 60 degrees. And then today, finally, the clouds cleared away and allowed the sun to provide us with a warmth of 75 degrees. Whoohooo. Seriously. I'm ecstatic.

BJD just asked if I'm the frickin' weather channel. Maybe he doesn't get it, being born and raised in Siberia, Russia, then moving to Germany at the grand ole' age of 17, then living with with me in Cleveland for 6+ years ... but weather has a huge impact on well, lots.

So hopefully you've appreciated this post (while BJD is still laughing).


1 comment:

Megan said...

I can TOTALLY appreciate it!!! hahaha!!! too funny!!!


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