Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A new point of view

Just before leaving for Ohio, things here got messy.

Ohio rejuvinated me.

I've found myself and who I like to be.

It was refreshing.

Only now, I am beginning to feel the weight of Germany pressing in on me.

As a social being, it's so damned hard to not know where you fit in.

I can't speak the language well enough to engage in a proper, decent conversation. Oh, I'm not talking about one of those casual ones that we Americans are so good at (and that I missed so much but got my fair share of while grocery shopping back in Ohio!). I'm talking about a conversation that includes discussions on the presidential candidates, preeclampsia awareness, parenting a preemie, the oil crises and how while the price of gasoline has been high in Germany for ages, it's still not the same as what's going on in the states.

I miss being me.

So now the challenge is to figure out how to be me, just here.

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