Friday, July 25, 2008

B.O. for US? I don't think so.

So once again, I can't sleep. Just before crawling off to bed last night, I read on another blog (duisburg bunny - located on my blog listing) how during B.O.'s speech yesterday in Berlin, someone held up a handheld sign that read:

"Obama is best for US - VOTE B.O.!"

And that got me thinking.

Now, I'm not really into discussing politics so openly via the web, but I gotta tell you I'm a bit frustrated. And before I go much further, let me just clarify - I am an independent. A 100% pure American independent swing voter. Since my first voting election in 1992 to now, I have voted independent (Ross Perot), republican and democrat. And I can say with some pride that I have never, ever, ever voted for the person who makes it into office.

Which scares me.

Because my only connection to what's going on in the world of US politics is or Plus an open mind while reading.

And what I've read this week is that B.O. is discussing pulling out plans with the leaders in Iraq and making calls for the world to pull those walls down.

Now, this is what disturbs me. He's not the president yet. (And with my vote likely swinging the other way, he's more than likely to become president - given my history and all.)

Let me repeat this - he is not the president. He is a presidential candidate.

Let's say that for some unknown reason that the other guy makes it in. We all know that he has a different timeframe that B.O. does about troop withdrawal (okay, we don't really know anything and what actually happens versus what we know don't always equal out ... but you kwim.)

IF (and yup, that's a mighty big if) the other guy gets in, what does it say about America or Americans, having our not-yet leader, acting on his campaign trail, making promises to the international community when he has NO control over this? (I know, I know, he is a member of congress and as commented, his trip to Germany was allegedly NOT as a presidential contender but as a senator - yeah right.)

But really, do you think we need more funk for our country? Do we really need to stink things up more? (he he ... I guess now I'm just having fun with the initials B.O. - You know, when BJD and I were thinking of names for Bubba Joe we really DID consider his initials ...)

So, whatd'ya think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama rules -- McCain stinks... And our votes have never and will never REALLY decide who wins the presidency alice -- should have learned that after Diebolt rigged the first Bushit Jr win -- he didn't win Ohio - that was proven - Diebolt people went to jail -- yet the presidency still was his -- no recall.. 2nd time round same shit... its a democracy -- but not really -- someone is always pulling strings and putting in place who they want.. Rhe and I will be voting for Obama -- for the simple fact that we like him.. will he win? who knows.. am I wasting my time voting at all? absolutely -- but I am going to live in my imaginary safe little american world and "assume" my vote counts... our electoral process is broken, has been for a long time - but that won't change me from believing I actually count...


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