Monday, August 11, 2008

Sitting here, just waiting

and enjoying the silence.

And the feeling of no-nauseousness. It started last night.

Must be all the Subway I've eaten lately. BTW - that's what lunch was the other day. Now normally, I'm not a huge Subway fan. But Subway is a piece of home and it tasted JUST like what it tastes like at home. Which you may think would be a given. Nope. Mickey D's - not the same. I don't know why, but Germans have NO clue how to make a burger. Either they mix pork and beef for the patties (ew, gross ... I mean, why bother?) or the buns are too thick and dense.

Right now, Bubba Joe is enjoying a nice walk with his Opa and his cousin in the double-stroller I found on ebay here for 30Euro. The doggies are asleep on my bed. And it's quiet.

I know I should be cleaning, but I'm just enjoying the silence.

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