Sunday, August 17, 2008

I confess, I love food porn.

I know, it's a graphic description, but Em's mom introduced the concept to me and nausea or not, I still love great looking food. Even better when it tastes just as good as it looks.

She's the one who sent me a few taco/enchilada seasoning mixes. I confess to not having a clue about how to prepare good mexican. But I never really had to. And now that I'm stuck in the land of meat and potatoes (which is okay in a very very limited moderation), I find that I miss my bean burrito with guacamole most.

I made enchiladas this week. They don't have cheddar cheese here (or at least the one I tried once from the UK was well, leaving MUCH to be desired). So I used gouda. It was an okay substitute and even Bubba Joe loved the enchiladas.

But today, I'm working on my baking skills. Thanks to Better Homes and Gardens new Cook Book (and Juls' kitchen which I stole it from years ago and have denied since - shhh! don't tell her!) I've just finished baking a yummy chocolate cake with a coconut frosting. Dude, what can I say but I rock! Once it's all put together (and we all wake from our afternoon nap - gotta love being a SAHM), I'll take a pic and share.

BTW - I LOVE recipe books. And not the kind that tell you to use a package of pillsbury prepared foods because well, we don't have that stuff here. Besides, I've always enjoyed making foods from scratch. And before, during the first 5 years of marriage, between working my tookus off and going to grad school, and what being a DINK family, we ate out lots. Plus there were just lots of good restaurant choices. Here in Duelmen, the choices suck. Seriously, they are horrible. The best dining experience we've had with decent service and good food ... was McDs. Honest. And that's such a sad sad statement.

BUT - if you can recommend a good recipe book (or if you have an extra that you'd like to share!!!) let me know!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I think I might possible die without Mexican food! LOL. I *love* to cook and experiment (which surprisingly usually turns out most excellently!); I get most of my recipes from trolling the internets and trial/error. Someone needs to send you some cheese, eh?


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