Thursday, August 7, 2008

March 19th

That's the due date.

Which means that I'm exactly 8 weeks pregnant today.

And boy do I feel it! Ugh, I forgot how much I do *not* like being pregnant. I feel so nauseous all the time. Stretchy pants are my best friends and the girls, well, let's just say that the girls hurt.

Henry's dealing with it all well enough though. When I'm tired, he'll chill and watch his Bob or Thomas or Maus dvds or will go and bauen (build) with his toys in his room.

And when you ask him if he wants a brother or a sister ... most of the time he says brother, but today he said sister. I think brother is easier to say.

I just want a full 9 months - and NO PE!

I see our regular OB in 4 weeks, and then the very next day, meet with the high risk doctor over at the Frauenklinik at the Uni-Klinik in Muenster (basically the woman's hospital at the university hospital in Muenster).

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