Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Photo Tag ...

Oops. Guess I should be checking my blogs, er, tags.

Heather over at Bubbles and Ducks tagged me.

Fourth file, fourth picture.

And I just rearranged my pictures folder!

This is a picture Bubba Joe's Dad (aka BJD) took on his new camera phone. I think it's a nice profile of our little man.

And what I realized after I posted is this picture shows Bubba Joe's right ear.

While his right ear may not seem so different from his left ear, the truth is that his right ear is slightly more pointed than his left. Why? When he was in the NICU (remember, he was born early due to preeclampsia) I unknowingly replaced his hat without checking his ears. This meant his ear was slightly bent under his hat. I don't think it hurt him though (certainly not like the daily blood tests he went through).

His ear is much less pointy than in his baby pictures (it really was quite noticable) but it is a constant reminder of his NICU experience ... just like the permanent scarring on his left foot as a result of the hospital bracelet rubbing his skin raw (he was so tiny they put it on his leg).

So who am I tagging? Hmmm, let's see.

My sister, over at Life, the Universe and Camping
Em's mom, at steeped insanity
G, at From the Big Apple to the Big Bear
and Megan, at Worcester Wonderland

So, have fun! Remember, fourth file, fourth picture. And tag four people.

I know I've got at least one more tag out there I've got to do ... I promise I'll get to it!

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