Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 - in pictures

We celebrated Thanksgiving earlier this year, when Ms. Thaing and her B-Boy brother came to visit at the end of October. I posted previously our menu, but only today realized I never posted the pictures! It was a great meal, with great friends and even the pies (thanks Mom for sending me the pecans!) were delicious!!!
I'm learning to make lots of food from scratch here in Germany. We just don't have foods that I considered convenience foods - i.e. premade pie crusts, pecans, canned pumpkin, much less pie plates. Thanks to my college piano teacher, I have a few more disposable pie plates that have yet to be destroyed ... but I'll have to find a long-term substitute as I make lots of pies/quiches lately!
To all my American friends and family, I pray this this Thanksgiving weekend brings you the ability to take the time to reflect on our lives and all that we have to be thankful for ... good health, family, friends, and for me, a healthy pregnancy!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

B-Boy and I both celebrated birthdays at the end of October ... so one pie was for him and the other was for me!

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